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Leveraging the power of neuroscience to address corporate challenges

Happy Brains @ Work is a science-based ecosystem of brain-friendly activities designed to help your company break free from stressful, outdated habits and thinking patterns that no longer serve you.


By leveraging the insights of Neuroscience, Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and the Inner Development Goals (IDG) we transform your team to foster a more psychologically flexible and sustainable mindset. The result? Flexible and dynamic leaders, resilient and sustainable employees, and ultimately a work culture that is more humane, fun and innovative. A win-win for society, your company and your people.

Image by Shridhar Gupta

Too often at work, we get stuck in challenging work situations with a mind that is worried, cluttered and stressed out. This is compounded by an increasingly turbulent global environment that tests the resilience of even the most robust organizations. In order to perform at our best in a rapidly changing work environment, it is crucial that we pause for a moment to identify and handle the roots of these challenges – our brains!


Brains are naturally inclined to resist change and cling to familiar patterns, even when those patterns are no longer beneficial. By understanding the principles of neuroscience and applying them to organizational development, your company can foster a more resilient, flexible, and sustainable work culture.


The Happy Brains @ Work initiative offers a comprehensive, science-based approach to achieving exactly that.

Our offer



Brain-friendly transformation journey for leaders

Using neuroscience to master everyday work challenges and break free from stressful, outdated habits and thinking patterns that no longer serve you.

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5-day dynamic 
company takeover
Empower your entire organization with psychological flexibility and resilience to conquer everyday work challenges.


1-day Workshop
Diving into the power of neuro- science, emotion regulation, and mental flexibility
Psychological flexibility - the antidote

To facilitate change and find a more thriving and sustainable way of working, you must first learn how the brain and mind works. Mental flexibility is the key to transforming a fixed mindset into a dynamic and adaptable one. It is the essential first step in breaking free from old thought patterns and habits that no longer serve you. Happy Brains @ Work equips you with essential neuro-insights and tools to help you think and act in a more brain-friendly manner.

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Be present

Develop the ability to respond more effectively to the problems and challenges that work inevitably presents. Learn to adopt a mindful way of working that forms the foundation for self-regulation and enables you to recognize opportunities to act differently.

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Open up

Learn to hold your thoughts and emotions (even the undesired ones) more lightly by utilizing reframing and self-soothing techniques. These methods help you accept, defuse, and find calm and clarity, even when navigating challenging situations.

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Do what matters

Act on long-term values and goals rather than short-term impulses. Enhance your ability to stay committed to your values—your inner compass—despite discomfort and obstacles. Accomplish what is important and matters to you, your team and the task at hand.

Teaming up with science

In order to provide you with the most comprehensive, cutting edge, evidence based intervention program on neuroscience and psychological flexibility we teamed up with Philippe Goldin, one of the world's leading neuroscientist within his field, and Viveka Ramel, clinician/psychotherapist specializing in Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and other evidence-based therapies. Through an amazing creative process, in beautiful settings, while having tons of fun, the concept of Happy Brains @ Work was born.

Join us on our quest!
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Leveraging neuroscience to address corporate challenges is not just an option; it is a necessity. Progressive leaders worldwide are increasingly embracing the shift from traditional corporate cultures to dynamic environments that unlock the brain's full potential, fostering sustainable productivity and enhancing mental well-being.


Join us in our quest to make the workplace more human and brain-friendly. Embrace the power of neuroscience to lead, support and facilitate the change needed in the world, within your company and within yourself. Together we can create a more successful future for your organization and your people within it.


Let's hook up! Drop by our office in the middle of Lund, meet us online or at your place. Let's explore how we can make a real difference together.

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